Thursday, March 18, 2010

Censors come calling article

Censorship within the media and in particularly the internet is sensitive topic which has lead to debates over what should and what should not be censored, or if governments even have the rights to censor the internet. The article censors come calling authored by Lisa Murrary on September 23rd 2006 critically analysis’s the issue of censorship of the internet by governments around the world. Lisa Murrary has included extensive research of censorship as well as quotes which has resulted in an interesting and intriguing read. The article itself is fairly straight foreword, informative and shamelessly names countries with the strictest and harshest censorship laws, including Australia.

In response to the article censorship of websites is a debatable topic which in my opinion to an extent is necessary however leads to the question of who has the right to say what is appropriate and what is not. Unfortunately it seems that censorship will only become stricter as time progresses.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Citizen Journalism

Citizen Journalism
Citizen journalism has emerged as a relatively new form of communicating events and news through the use of blogs, podcasts, streaming videos and other web related innovations. Through the use of these web based technologies individuals around the world can upload information, pictures and videos and report anything from original reporting and sightings of current events and disasters to commentary on social issues which appear in mainstream media. This expanding phenomenon allows citizens to contribute to the mass media as well as collaborate with professional reporters in either
• providing a reporter with their information in order to create a news story
• audiences commenting on professional reporters online
• Audiences providing more information to articles by professional reporters

The benefits of citizen journalism provides global interest to new stories which in particular for disasters that citizens can quickly capture images or videos on their cameras or phones which can be uploaded onto the internet and provide the rest of the world with an eye witness insight into the event. Without citizen journalism coverage of the full impact of disasters would be very difficult for professional reporters.

However the risks and disadvantages of citizen journalism include the reporting of false information, distorted images as well as information published by untrained sources that are able to remain anonymous.